Happy Wednesday dear readers and welcome to day 26 of Blogtoberfest. One thing I do love about Blogger, is that when you have a great idea for a blogpost you can compose and save it. Then you can publish that post when you get bloggers block and can't think of anything to write about. Case in point, here is a post I prepared earlier *wink*
Today is a Wednesday Wishlist based around modern crochet, which seems to be making a huge resurgance in the handmade world. Now a quick note re the title of this post. Not Your Nanna's Crochet. I do not wish to appear disrespectful, I want to send a shout out to all the funky Nannas in the handmade world and explain that this blogpost title relates more to the beautiful crochet of days gone by, and how it has evolved to it's current form. Also sending a big Huzzah to all crochet artisans who are leading the handmade crochet revival. See you all tomorrow for Blogtoberfest Day 27 xo
Surfer crochet Bohemian wrap bracelet or long necklace. Boho-chic multi-color stones, czech glass by 3DivasStudio |
freeform hand knit crocheted Scarf Scarflette Neck Warmer OOAK by plumfish |
Leather and wool crochet Scarf/Shawl with silk fringes by TheodeleArt |
Unique Tutu crochet Skirt Black and white by kovale |
White necklace crocheted OOAK with 9 pieces Genuine English sea glass by astash |
A La Missoni Pants - Zig Zag Crochet Knit Pants - Bellbottom Trousers - Drawstring Ribbon - Made to Order in Your Size - by Michelle Rose |
Awesome! Crochet is so under-rated, just look at how many fabulous things can be made with one craft. Thanks for featuring my sexy sandals .