Welcome to my blog. I work full time and creating is my sanity. I like to use many different mediums and was a finalist in the Fire Mountain Beading Contest in 2008. I am a passionate blogger, and a promoter of handmade goodness.

I love : my husband, my fur kids, family, music, sunshine, creating, chocolate, handmade soaps, the DUST Team, gardening, friends, Triple J Radio and photography. Comments welcome, I hope you enjoy the adventure with me.

Please respect my copyright and that the original ©photographs and ©text published on this blog remain the property of ©Maddabling (Samara). Please do not reproduce, crop or alter my original photographs.

made with love.........................maddabling xox

proud member of the down under street team

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Craft Swaps, Home Grown Olives and Cherry Coconut Cacao Icecream

Hello readers, sorry for the lateness of the weekend blog post - Maddabling has felt a little under the weather for the past couple of days. Tonight I share with you Craft Swaps, Home Grown Olives and Cherry Coconut Cacao Icecream. Happy Reading! 
Craft Swaps
The DUST Team Quarterly Craft Swap is a wonderful opportunity to share handmade goodies with your team members. The January - March Swap for 2014 recently finished and I can now share with you the handmade goodness we exchanged. It was a tri-way swap this time, there were three participants so we each received and sent two gifts each. I wrapped up two pretty parcels to send out, one to Wilma of Empress Wu and one to Meggan of Art Nomadix. 
 Here is a snap of the goodies I sent to Wilma of Empress Wu
and the photo album I sent to Meggan of Art Nomadix. 
And if you give you also receive and I admit I was so spoilt by these two DUSTy Divas. Here is the parcel I received from Wilma 
and here are the goodies I receive from Meggan (I do apologise Meggan, I found it tricky to photograph the gorgeous freeform crochet bag you sent me).
Home Grown Olives
The Olive Tree I was given for a milestone birthday has produced a real abundance of fruit this year, and for the first time we may have enough to preserve. I just have to find a recipe now! It's all very exciting. I really hope we get it right and have delicious olives to eat in a few weeks/months time! 
Cherry Coconut Cacao Icecream 
So we got an icecream machine. Not a top of the range model, but one that will get the job done. And she is a bright cheery Sunshine Yellow. I try not to eat a lot of dairy as it doesn't agree with me so much, so I tried this "ice-cream" recipe made from coconut cream. Here is how I did it! 
Cherry Coconut Cacao Icecream 
2 x 440ml cans Coconut Cream 
Morello Cherries to taste (as many or as few as you like) 
Maple Syrup to taste (approx 1/4 cup) 
Cacao powder to taste (blend into maple syrup as it will mix more easily)
1 Cup Water

1. Put ingredients into ice-cream machine and churn until a sorbet/icecream consistency. Enjoy. 
Note: you can also put ingredients into a food processor and blend, freeze, blend, freeze etc until same consistency is achieved. 

Well lovely readers, that wraps up Craft Swaps, Home Grown Olives and Cherry Coconut Cacao Icecream. See you all tomorrow for a new Wednesday Wishes Blog Post xo♥

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