Happy Friday lovely fabulous blog followers ! I came down to earth with a bit of a thud after a week off with lots of time for gardening and creating, back to the day job. All good things must come to an end right ? It is nearly time to knock off work for the weekend - bring it on I say !
This week, I want you to meet Sandy

I love love love Sandy's work, it is bright, fun and vibrant and I have featured various pieces in Wednesday wish lists over the past twelve months or so.
Follow the Raven

and Don't Take Life Too Seriously

are two of the gorgeous GasBombGirl prints that we own (which I must add are so incredibly vibrant and of an exceptional quality). I wish I had more room as I would love to add this one to the collection too - Poppies and Ravens

These paintings are also favourites of mine and depict the West Australian lifestyle perfectly - the beach, the outdoors lifestyle and clean air

Dear readers, sit back and escape for a while and read the fantastic story of Sandy aka GasBombGirl.
ps - please respect the copyright of the images Sandy has let me include for this blogpiece.

The Gas Bomb Girl Chronicle
Who is Gasbombgirl?
My name is Sandy and because of my rather strange surname and a bunch of friends who like to constantly pay out on me for it, the name Gasbombgirl was born. To be honest, it's quite fitting as I've always enjoyed painting images of a quirky fun and humorous nature, so figured, why not? If I was to describe what style my paintings and drawings are to someone, I can only suggest they are usually full of colour and humour, a little bit naughty or sexy with sometimes a big splash of the odd ball for good measure.

Nothing of a truly formal nature. I've done courses at the Fremantle Arts Centre mostly, which have been loads of fun. I'm pretty much self taught really. I would doodle cartoons of big busted girls in bikini's in High school prancing around in ridiculously high heels for fun. I used to love creating funny cartoon's of family and friends, which were always popular as birthday cards and what not.

I find I'm influenced by a huge array of things. Low-Brow, Pop culture have always been close to my heart... along with movies that are visually exciting yet fully fun are high up there too.

My fav directors; David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino and any classic old B Grade movies including the Sci-Fi & Horror and any fun camp TV Series always make me want pull out the paints and knock out an "Elvis & bikini clad girls" styled image. Probably also being an avid Richie Rich/Archie/Phantom Comic reader as a kid, has had it's share of influence on what I produce in my artwork as well. This is something I'm only just fully exploring again.

Exhibitions ?
I've been involved in a few Group Art shows, nothing Solo as yet. So far I've been involved with, Clothespeg 2006 & 2007, and early last year with the Little Creatures Brewing RSPCA Exhibition, which was for a great cause.

I've also been a regular contributor to the City of Cockburn's "Show Off Exhibition" series, (since 2006) with the current one open on 29th April this year. But the most exciting Exhibition coming up this Easter Holidays, will be at the annual "Swancon Thirty Six/Natcon Fifty's Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention" group Art show - "Future Imperfect", which is going to be a real hoot! I'm really hoping to seeing the Hyatt in Perth where it's being held... chock full of Sci-Fans fans, adorned as Trekkies, Daleks and Martians!

The Future ?
To continue enjoying the journey really and figuring out what I'm good at and what I'm lousy at and ultimately improving on any negatives I find along the way.

I'd really like to pursue an Art Degree of some kind, but being employed full time, really does stop all of that from going any further (boohoo!).

But that's cool, I've come this far without all it, so I'm willing to bet I can keep on going and have a stack fun doing it !

Here is where you can see more of GasBombGirl !
Check out the and online shops at
connect through
or catch her on twitter

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