"Emma Booth" authorised portrait by woz ©Welcome lovely blog followers - I hope you have had the most wonderful week and TGIF ! It gives me much pleasure to introduce a local artist this week, keeping with the theme of romance, Valentines and femininity on my blog this month - meet
Woz !

Woz's story is fascinating and inspiring, especially to a fellow crafter and I really enjoyed finding out more about Woz's artistic background.
I felt exceptionally priveliged to acquire one of Woz's paintings from his recent exhibition -

it represented to me something that would not only fit with our decor but actually meant something to us. The piece is called "Connected" and depicts a young woman who is happily immersed in listening to her music - it now lives above our music collection. Music plays an influential role in our lives and has certainly sparked healthy debates in our household over the years.
"connected" by woz ©The more I see of Woz's art, the more I love it. He is so creatively diverse ! I have a fascination with mythical creatures,
"Mermaid" - Digi-art by woz © 2010 really caught my eye. Such beautiful work ! And I LOVE this new painting encompassing steampunk-y things
"Gears of the heart" acrylic on canvas board - by woz © 2011 (portrait featuring steampunk model Tomi Casaundra West)Dear readers, that is quiet enough from me - I invite you to sit back and indulge yourself in the wonderul artistic story of Woz - I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did ! oh and a quick P.S. have you entered the
Spincushions giveaway (click the link, go on ! ) yet ? It closes on Sunday x
The Story of Woz - ArtistI was born in 1965. My parents were offered $50.00 in 1969 for one of my Kindergarten paintings. At aged twelve I was selected as one of thirty students in my year to study under the "Special Arts" Scholarship in WA. During this time I was exposed to almost all available art forms. At age 21 I took up employment at the Emu Farm on the edge of the Gibson Desert in Wiluna W.A, demonstrating technique and application of traditional painting on Emu eggs to young Wongi people.

As far as the style of the work goes I am fortunate to have worked with many, many great artists since my Art school scholarship at age 12. This gives me the ability to be diverse which can attract some critique. I have been accused of many things both artistically and otherwise (some true, some just random nonsense), suffice to say that I believe diversity can be like a breath of fresh air to an art appreciator.

"Bone Dry" - from the "life in a drop of water series" by woz ©
Developing a self taught and fixed process to style with accompanying manifesto entitled "Arcane Pragmatism", I adopted the art psuedonym 'woz'. Having sold in excess of two thousand paintings (to both Australian and International collectors) during my life, "Art of Beauty" is my first solo exhibit since 1988.

"Red-tailed Black Cockatoo" acrylic on mallee slab by woz ©"
"The Winds of Jarrah" collection went on show in Pemberton Western Australia and attracted over 3,000 viewers including Parliamentary dignitaries and other personalities.

Private and corporate collectors snatched up over 40% of the paintings on sale and I received invites to display work and conduct talks and demonstrations in the South West. Participating in ecclectic and join exhibits. I have been employed in the Graphic Design and CG (digital) industries whilst continuing to produce fine art and murals on a commercial level.

In 2009 I took a short residency in a Studio at Vancouver Arts Centre in Albany W.A. where I worked on the "Art of Beauty" collection which took three years to develop. 
"sketches for art of beauty" by woz ©
I believe that my fine art exhibit will excite viewers and that the public presence of this imagery will evoke and arouse some contemplated discussion and sensations. I also trust that lovers of art realise that artistic expression is never a competition, rather that artists faithful to their work know that art is
meant to inspire.

The tour kicked off last year here in Albany at Vancouver Arts Centre,then Manjimup and finished with a 5 week showing at Art Geo Courthouse Gallery in Busselton. I had some great feedback and comments on both the collection as a whole and individual pieces.
"sorrow" oil on canvas by woz ©
Each piece in the collection depicts a specific state of being and the intent is to show woman of today (21st Century) in various aspects of the human condition. I have employed eclectic painterly styles in this exploratory journey and attempted to create diverse imagery, which integrates the main nucleus of my theme and it’s delicate dais.

"modesty" by woz ©
The exhibition features paintings in both oils and acrylic and it is my intention to keep the collection as an ongoing project. It will be interesting to watch it grow and although some paintings will sell along the way it is intended to be kept intact for the most part. The idea is to keep a record of 'femme stasis' in the 21st century.

"athletic" by woz ©
The theme encompasses moods, careers, sexuality and mortality (for want of better words).
"Julia" by woz ©
The human condition is an exciting and interesting subject to explore and as far as capturing this in a visual art context "complex and challenging". To capture a look or mood seemed almost impossible at first! With a little experimentation and many, many sketches it became less daunting.

"random" by woz ©
In the artworld, critics frown on "bifurcation" as it does not allow them to put their finger on a determined style and go on to tear it apart. They tag such artists as "bitty", "random" and "unfocussed". What I am doing is entirely pre-meditated.

"trepidation" by woz ©
Influences are always going to have an effect on an artists' work and I have always had a great appreciation for the work of Salvador Dali and fantasy artist Boris Vallejo along with Olivia De Berardinis.

"Blue" oil on canvas by woz ©Want to see more of Woz's amazing work ? Check it out at :
http://www.artizme.com/and there are lots of links to Woz's work to explore at :
"virtuosity" by woz ©