A direct Quote from the About LaLaLand Page:
"About LaLaLand : Once upon a land down under was ...
La la land.Established in 2009, La la land is a publishing world of both Australian and international artists and illustrators. La la land is an avenue for artists to gain exposure, and an opportunity for people to have affordable art in their everyday living and space.Made in Australia, La la land focuses on quality - using the best eco-friendly materials whenever possible. Lalalandshop.com also supports and promotes sister brand, La Marelle. Imported from France, La Marelle also publishes numerous artists on gifts and stationery."
This wishlist is dedicated to these artists and their wonderfully affordable products available at LaLaLand

playmate print by natalie shau

emily and her owls by schmooks

Lorinder by art and ghosts

black apple by tony giles

imagination cultivation print by nanami cowdroy

figbird by flossy-p

the girl and the possum by kareena zerefos

the tempest by Black-Eyed Suzie

sleeping beauty by courtney brims

balloons by natasia van vlimmeren

postman by little hands

zoo keeper by lilly piri

Parachute by eveline tarunadjaja

in which the more it snows the colder it grows by noferin

balloon girl by nikki catalano

green journey print by sarajo frieden

goodbye by nathaniel eckstrom
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