Hello there Maddabling blog readers. I hope this fine Friday finds you happy and well. This weekend will see Maddabling relaxing and catching up with friends. What do you have planned?
Today I am happy to introduce to you a new Friday Friend and local maker, meet sweet Kel-lee of bone-appetit!
Let me ask you a couple of questions today readers.
Firstly, how many of you are pet owners?
Secondly, how many of you LOVE to spoil your pets?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this blog post goes out especially for you. I can assure you, through the delish experience of our own canine companion, bone-appetit gourmet dog treats are the bomb. Our dog has quickly learnt that there are super tasty cookie treats made just for dogs inside the red polkadot bag that sits in the fridge. I assure you, these must taste pretty good it they are enough to tempt our fussy dog. Perhaps you may just have to buy some for your own pets to try!
Dear readers, I invite you now to take a few moments to yourself and to read the Tale of bone-appetit! I promise, your pets will love you for this ♥ Have a fantastic weekend xo
The Tale of bone-appetit
Who is bone-appetit? A team of just two - CEO and the Director for Quality Control.
How and when did our handmade journey begin? After organizing the annual RSPCA Cupcake Day fundraiser at work in 2013 my homemade dog treats received a raving review by my colleagues pooches. I was inundated for requests for more gourmet treats please.
We regularly supply our gourmet treats to cafes in Queensland and when we would attend the Renegade Handmade markets our product would sell out in a few hours.
What inspires you? The look of intense delight and the streams of drool coming from my golden retriever's face as each time I open the fridge door.
But most importantly the feedback I receive from my Very Important Pet (VIP) clients that their dogs also illicit the same response when they sniff their personally wrapped treat pack.
What are your current sources of inspirations? That my baked creations can bring out so much happiness (and craziness) to so many beautiful fur-babies.
I have some VIP clients in QLD whom I regularly bake for that refuse to eat store bought treats.
What are your future plans/aspirations? To stock our gourmet treats in as many dog-friendly cafes and establishments throughout Australia.
Thus allowing bone-appetit's CEO and director for Quality Control to become mobile and setting up shop to sell our treats at all the amazing beaches around Australia...permanently 

Dear readers, would you like to connect or perhaps place an order with bone-appetit? You can send a PM through facebook and keep up to date with all bone-appetit happenings on Facebook here:
or you can email bone-appetit here:
treats4dogs at hotmail dot com