Welcome to the Friday Friends blog post. Lucky Number 13 - Introducing my colourful Dusty Diva; the gorgeous Emma from Felicia Fairy

I have long been an admirer of the funkiness of Felicia Fairy and had this custom monster bag designed and made for my niece's birthday

and this is me in my Felicia Fairy Patchwork Scarf

Anyway, please sit back, relax and enjoy the Felicia Fairy story x

Felicia Fairy
Hi my name is Emma, I am a stay at home Mum (and Mum-to-be!) and the brains and hands behind feliciafairy.

I've been making things with my hands from a very young age, and have always enjoyed activities taught to me by my Mother - cooking, baking, knitting, hand-sewing. I've been dying fabric and clothing for around 15 years.

My technique has changed over that time, and now I really love to use lots of bright, bold colours.

I've often accused myself of having Craft ADHD - and at any one time might have a few different projects on the go - a scrapbook page, a quilt cut out and ready to piece, a garment I'm knitting, a crossstich project (in fact, I really do have all of those on the go right now). I'm not very good at sitting still, so even when watching TV at night I'll be drawing, or knitting, or stitching something!

I love to surround myself with handmade things, ones that I have made or ones passed down by family members.

My newest addiction is Yarnbombing. Check out my new blog at
Yarn Bombing is a form of Yarn Graffiti, completely removable and designed for the sole purpose of brightening people's days!

Go on ! Check out the lovely Felicia Fairy goodies for yourself at :
Etsy Store : www.feliciafairy.etsy.com
Facebook Fanpage : http://www.facebook.com/FeliciaFairy