Well what a week it has been ! I was thrilled to meet the gorgeous Liz of
Hundreds of Buttons when she passed through our town.

Del (from
DELiciousDesignz &
getSPOONED)Liz and I met for lunch at one of my fave eateries The Venice and then I got to catch up with Liz that evening. What was going to be a quick half hour chat ended up being a 2 + hour natter and craft swap ! I felt very relaxed in the company of this lovely DUSTer ! I swapped a gorgeous Kilt Pin Brooch

for some of Liz's button-y creations (Liz is far too generous btw xox)

I also got word that my craft swap partner Wilma of Empress Wu Designs had received my May/June 2010 DUST Team Craft Swap parcel ! So now I feel I can reveal what I sent to Wilma. Wilma mentioned that she was quite partial to the key & padlock kilt pin brooches that I create. I also read Wilma's bio on her blog to work out what I would create. Wilma was a highschool principal in a previous life so I thought that I would create a special bookmark with An Apple for the Teacher Theme. And to top off the package I always include a handmade thank you card and some little gift tags. So here's what I sent.
An Apple for the Teacher Bookmark and .....................

A special custom Kilt Pin Brooch and.......................

Gift Tags and a handmade card and ........................

then I wrapped it all up in this pretty paper and .......

packed it in this sweet little box to send away !