80's Music - Guilty Pleasures & One Hit Wonders - A trip down memory lane this evening for some good fun sometimes cringe worthy 80's tunes that one loves to listen and sing along to at 80's parties ............. enough said - enjoy !
Welcome to my blog. I work full time and creating is my sanity. I like to use many different mediums and was a finalist in the Fire Mountain Beading Contest in 2008. I am a passionate blogger, and a promoter of handmade goodness.
I love : my husband, my fur kids, family, music, sunshine, creating, chocolate, handmade soaps, the DUST Team, gardening, friends, Triple J Radio and photography. Comments welcome, I hope you enjoy the adventure with me.
made with love.........................maddabling xox
I love : my husband, my fur kids, family, music, sunshine, creating, chocolate, handmade soaps, the DUST Team, gardening, friends, Triple J Radio and photography. Comments welcome, I hope you enjoy the adventure with me.
Please respect my copyright and that the original ©photographs and ©text published on this blog remain the property of ©Maddabling (Samara). Please do not reproduce, crop or alter my original photographs.
made with love.........................maddabling xox
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Secrets of the Heart Keep it Under Lock and by CherishedDreams
Thank you so much to Cherished Dreams for the inclusion - please check out her store at http://www.etsy.com/shop/CherishedDreams

Secrets of the Heart Keep it Under Lock and by CherishedDreams http://www.etsy.com/treasury/4c008177c42b6d9189fc1554/secrets-of-the-heart-keep-it-under-lock

Secrets of the Heart Keep it Under Lock and by CherishedDreams http://www.etsy.com/treasury/4c008177c42b6d9189fc1554/secrets-of-the-heart-keep-it-under-lock
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday Friends - Dusty Divas Part 2

In Dusty Diva's Part 2, I would like to introduce Karen of NewEarthSoaps.Etsy.Com

Handmade soaps have always been my personal preference. I was lucky enough to cross paths with the lovely Kaz in the virtual worlds of etsy, the dust team forum and facebook. Then to my delight, I have been able to meet up with Kaz at the local markets not far from here which allows me to stock up on her luscious goodies. Karen has decided to share with my readers what goes on behind the scenes of making handmade soap and what her dreams, aspirations and creative processes are.
I hope you enjoy reading Dusty Diva's Part 2.

Name: Karen Harries
How did I get in to soapmaking?:
I bought a book on soapmaking years ago, but with a busy day job, building houses and being 20 something, I just never got around to trying it out. One day, a best friend said, "I am going to make a batch of soap for my husbands sensitive skin." I invited myself around. I had to make some too. We actually nearly made a mess of it, measuring out the water and caustic soda, we swapped the levels around, and made a toxic mess. You know how it goes when friends get together! Once we corrected that, all was well and we made a great soap batch. We still laugh (really hard) about it to this day.
Within days I was inventing my own recipes, experimenting with mini batches. When they cured all family and friends were subjected to trying them out for me. I even made up a questionaire for them to assess it. First thing discovered, my dads dry, flaky, itchy skin cleared up. I mean, he had been going though a 375ml bottle of moisturiser a week before this!
I only have a spare bedroom to use at the moment but it's set up well and it's my personal space. In my future I see a free standing studio with big windows, solar power and a sweet little verandah where I will sit and plan my next formulas watching the blue wrens dancing about my feet.
How do you formulate a new product?
Often I will find inspiration in a book, try a basic recipe, but often I can see what needs to be done to take it to the next level. Then comes the fun part, experimenting. I will keep reformulating that recipe until it is just right, and I know when it is just right. I get this feeling in my tummy, like butterflies. It's a good feeling.
Building up my skin care range so far has been very slow. I don't just put anything in my shop. It must be tested properly and get the thumbs up from plenty of people first. Also because I refrain from synthetically produced fragrances and colourings, my scope is smaller. My next goals though are to explore more natural colouring ideas and expand my aromatherapy knowledge to further my essential oil blending skills

Day job:
Yes I work part time at a great little health store. I love it, so it would be hard to ever give up. I am enjoying having two lives. I have become the additive expert (it's scary how many skin and hair products are out there are marketed as natural but they are not actually safe) and help people solve their skin and hair problems. I love it when they return to show me that the problem has cleared away.
At some point in the future I plan to move to a beautiful coastal town in the south of WA, and build myself that studio. I will have the time to turn New Earth Soaps into a full-time venture then. My ideas are bigger than my spare room will allow so I look forward to the space to make those ideas come alive.
What other things are you passionate about?
So many things. Environment. We are making a mess of this planet, our health, our future. Producing things for short term gain is creating long term damage. We are making the problems bigger by turning a blind eye to them for the sake of money. Thats one reason why i will only use ingredients from sustainable sources. I find little point in supporting industry, such as illegally planted palm plantations in Malaysia as there surely is no long term future for them. They will fall one day, soon I hope. Art and photography. I used to sell of landscape photo work until soap took over. But the itch is returning. I am going to take a painting class next term too.
If you would like to read more - check out Karen's blog at http://newearthsoaps.blogspot.com, become a fan at http://www.facebook.com/newearthsoaps and if you would like to see all the goodies currently for sale, Karen's Online Store is http://www.etsy.com/shop/newearthsoaps

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday Wishlist - Pamper Me
We all need a little pampering now and then. I hope you enjoy this Wednesday Wishlist which focuses on Australian ETSY sellers who provide everything you need to relax, unwind and feel pampered and beautiful.
Huntress Botanical Musk Perfume Oils by Faunfare on Etsy
Relax Herbal Tea Blend by Joiedetea on Etsy
Honey Chile Lip Butter by innerearthsoaps on Etsy
Soothing Flaxseed Eye Pack Shimmer by BonTonsGifts on by BonTons
Summer Memories Handmade CP Soap by Lyn4078 on Etsy
Deliciously Rich Body Butter Energy by delightsociety on Etsy

Herbal Tea Nutrition Hair Care Nourishing Tea by NOTWeeds on Etsy
Bath Bomb Bath and Beauty Rose Dried Rose Petals by Rhasdala
Coffee and Walnut Whipped Clay Body Scrub 200g by bathtimedelights
Grapefruit Lime Cypress all natural shampoo by tranquillita
Mango Dream Massage bar by KitDeKat on Etsy
Clay Face Mask All Natural Blend Using the by newearthsoaps
Huntress Botanical Musk Perfume Oils by Faunfare on Etsy

Relax Herbal Tea Blend by Joiedetea on Etsy

Honey Chile Lip Butter by innerearthsoaps on Etsy

Soothing Flaxseed Eye Pack Shimmer by BonTonsGifts on by BonTons

Summer Memories Handmade CP Soap by Lyn4078 on Etsy

Deliciously Rich Body Butter Energy by delightsociety on Etsy

Herbal Tea Nutrition Hair Care Nourishing Tea by NOTWeeds on Etsy

Bath Bomb Bath and Beauty Rose Dried Rose Petals by Rhasdala

Coffee and Walnut Whipped Clay Body Scrub 200g by bathtimedelights

Grapefruit Lime Cypress all natural shampoo by tranquillita

Mango Dream Massage bar by KitDeKat on Etsy

Clay Face Mask All Natural Blend Using the by newearthsoaps

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wednesday Wishlist - Pamper Me
We all need a little pampering now and then. I hope you enjoy this Wednesday Wishlist which focuses on Australian ETSY sellers who provide everything you need to relax, unwind and feel pampered and beautiful.

Huntress Botanical Musk Perfume Oils by Faunfare on Etsy

Relax Herbal Tea Blend by Joiedetea on Etsy

Honey Chile Lip Butter by innerearthsoaps on Etsy

Soothing Flaxseed Eye Pack Shimmer by BonTonsGifts on by BonTons

Summer Memories Handmade CP Soap by Lyn4078 on Etsy

Deliciously Rich Body Butter Energy by delightsociety on Etsy

Herbal Tea Nutrition Hair Care Nourishing Tea by NOTWeeds on Etsy

Bath Bomb Bath and Beauty Rose Dried Rose Petals by Rhasdala

Coffee and Walnut Whipped Clay Body Scrub 200g by bathtimedelights

Grapefruit Lime Cypress all natural shampoo by tranquillita

Mango Dream Massage bar by KitDeKat on Etsy
Clay Face Mask All Natural Blend Using the by newearthsoaps

Huntress Botanical Musk Perfume Oils by Faunfare on Etsy

Relax Herbal Tea Blend by Joiedetea on Etsy

Honey Chile Lip Butter by innerearthsoaps on Etsy

Soothing Flaxseed Eye Pack Shimmer by BonTonsGifts on by BonTons

Summer Memories Handmade CP Soap by Lyn4078 on Etsy

Deliciously Rich Body Butter Energy by delightsociety on Etsy

Herbal Tea Nutrition Hair Care Nourishing Tea by NOTWeeds on Etsy

Bath Bomb Bath and Beauty Rose Dried Rose Petals by Rhasdala

Coffee and Walnut Whipped Clay Body Scrub 200g by bathtimedelights

Grapefruit Lime Cypress all natural shampoo by tranquillita

Mango Dream Massage bar by KitDeKat on Etsy

Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday Music - Road Trip Mix Tape
On the weekend I went on the most amazing road trip of around 1200 kilometres with my fabulous husband. We lost the radio in a few spots and it made me think I should have made a mixed tape (well CD anyway) to take on the trip. The songs below are just some that I would have included - would love to hear about your favourite road trip tunes ! Enjoy x o x
Architecture in Helsinki - That Beep
The Triffids - Wide Open Road
Chemical Brothers - Golden Path
The Waifs - Lighthouse
Goldfrapp - Ooh La La
Hilltop Hoods - Nosebleed Section
Devo - Beautiful World
Spiderbait - Calypso
New Order - True Faith
Deadstar - Deeper Water
Architecture in Helsinki - That Beep
The Triffids - Wide Open Road
Chemical Brothers - Golden Path
The Waifs - Lighthouse
Goldfrapp - Ooh La La
Hilltop Hoods - Nosebleed Section
Devo - Beautiful World
Spiderbait - Calypso
New Order - True Faith
Deadstar - Deeper Water
Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday Friends - Dusty Diva's Part 1
My next series of Friday Friends focuses on Dusty Diva's and some of the special friendships I have forged through DUST(Down Under Street Team). 
This week I would love to introduce you to Kim of SavageKitten.Etsy.Com.

Kim and I found we had much in common. A love of indi films like Donnie Darko, classic films like Breakfast at Tiffanys, a love of French Music and the music of artists such as Beck and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
As with many others in the DUST team, Kim has supported me in many ways and vice versa through purchases, ETSY treasuries, spreading the facebook love .........
I love Kim's creations - simple boho elegance ! I also love the beautiful sketches created by this lovely lady.
Savage Kitten IS luxe noir pop swing !
I hope you enjoy browsing her etsy store Savage Kitten luxe noir pop swing by savagekitten on Etsy and the Savage Kitten Facebook Fan Page Facebook|Savage Kitten. Below you will see some of sublime pieces Kim has created !
frankly my dear in scarlett boho scarf by savagekitten on Etsy
paris boho earrings by savagekitten on Etsy
violet noir bracelet by savagekitten on Etsy

This week I would love to introduce you to Kim of SavageKitten.Etsy.Com.

Kim and I found we had much in common. A love of indi films like Donnie Darko, classic films like Breakfast at Tiffanys, a love of French Music and the music of artists such as Beck and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
As with many others in the DUST team, Kim has supported me in many ways and vice versa through purchases, ETSY treasuries, spreading the facebook love .........
I love Kim's creations - simple boho elegance ! I also love the beautiful sketches created by this lovely lady.

Savage Kitten IS luxe noir pop swing !
I hope you enjoy browsing her etsy store Savage Kitten luxe noir pop swing by savagekitten on Etsy and the Savage Kitten Facebook Fan Page Facebook|Savage Kitten. Below you will see some of sublime pieces Kim has created !
frankly my dear in scarlett boho scarf by savagekitten on Etsy

violet noir bracelet by savagekitten on Etsy

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wednesday Wishlist - Technology
Technology is ever evolving. I found todays wishlist by searching Technology on Etsy.Com - Enjoy !

Technological Innovations Present the by icouldbegoodforyou

VERY PUNK ROCK Strange anti new technology by sweetheartsinner

iPhone Skin 3GS 3G Original A Slice of LIme by Kirsty2715 on Etsy:

Computer Key Jewelry One of a Kinds Pendant by creativedexterity

Kodak Instamatic 304 Camera With Kodar Lens Black and by funretro

Borg by Auntieemdolls on Etsy: "Borg"

Technological Innovations Present the by icouldbegoodforyou

VERY PUNK ROCK Strange anti new technology by sweetheartsinner

iPhone Skin 3GS 3G Original A Slice of LIme by Kirsty2715 on Etsy:

Computer Key Jewelry One of a Kinds Pendant by creativedexterity

Kodak Instamatic 304 Camera With Kodar Lens Black and by funretro

Borg by Auntieemdolls on Etsy: "Borg"
Monday, May 17, 2010
Music on a Monday - Angry Girl Music
I am dedicating this post to Angry Girl Music after a discussion with a colleague of mine today. We talked of the classic Angry Girl songs like Love is a Battlefield (with some of the scariest choreography I have ever seen) and moved on to talking about albums my step-daughter had catergorised - The Donna's, Lash, Skulker and the Spazzys - as Angry Girl Music. For every girl scorned or in a bad mood, wouldn't you agree that it is fabulous to be able to turn up some high energy tunes and have a good old solo loungeroom mosh (it's ok cos no one can see your bad loungeroom dancing) to use up all that angry energy.
Here are five albums that were catergorised by a teenage girl as Angry Girl Music !
Hole - Live Through This
Spazzys - Aloha ! Go Bananas
The Donnas - Gold Medal
Skulker - Too Fat for Tahiti
Lash - The Beautiful and the Damned
And below are some video clips of the aforementioned artists - turn it up loud and enjoy the ride !
Here are five albums that were catergorised by a teenage girl as Angry Girl Music !
Hole - Live Through This
Spazzys - Aloha ! Go Bananas
The Donnas - Gold Medal
Skulker - Too Fat for Tahiti
Lash - The Beautiful and the Damned
And below are some video clips of the aforementioned artists - turn it up loud and enjoy the ride !
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Friday Friends - Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of Friday Friends.
I truly believe that real friendship is a rare find and that no matter where life takes you, sometimes if you lose touch over the years, you will find each other again for a specific reason.
Meet the divine Del of DELicious Designz and Get Spooned !

This crafty Miss creates new from old by giving spoons a brand new life as wearable art ! She also creates bold bangles and rings. I am slightly addicted to Del's creations - I have three spoon pendants, a necklace, a bangle, two rings ...............

Del and I go back a long way - to high school days in fact and have only reconnected in recent years. I promise Del - no embarrassing high school piccies in this post ! I am so glad we found each other again as I feel we are two like minded artistic souls that can provide inspiration to each other and also we share a very similar sense of dark offbeat humour.
Del encouraged me to start my ETSY store and to join the fabulous DUSTers the Down Under Stream Team - an amazing sellers community for Australian ETSY sellers ! Del and I have done a few markets together which are always a lot of fun ! I really hope you have enjoyed looking at some of Del's gorgeous creations x o x
PS don't forget to check out Del's lovely online stores - http://www.etsy.com/shop/DELiciousDesignz
http://www.zibbet.com/DELiciousDesignz, blogspot at http://deliciousdesignz.blogspot.com and facebook fan pages at http://www.facebook.com/DELiciousDesignz http://www.facebook.com/pages/Get-SPOONed

I truly believe that real friendship is a rare find and that no matter where life takes you, sometimes if you lose touch over the years, you will find each other again for a specific reason.
Meet the divine Del of DELicious Designz and Get Spooned !

This crafty Miss creates new from old by giving spoons a brand new life as wearable art ! She also creates bold bangles and rings. I am slightly addicted to Del's creations - I have three spoon pendants, a necklace, a bangle, two rings ...............

Del and I go back a long way - to high school days in fact and have only reconnected in recent years. I promise Del - no embarrassing high school piccies in this post ! I am so glad we found each other again as I feel we are two like minded artistic souls that can provide inspiration to each other and also we share a very similar sense of dark offbeat humour.

Del encouraged me to start my ETSY store and to join the fabulous DUSTers the Down Under Stream Team - an amazing sellers community for Australian ETSY sellers ! Del and I have done a few markets together which are always a lot of fun ! I really hope you have enjoyed looking at some of Del's gorgeous creations x o x
PS don't forget to check out Del's lovely online stores - http://www.etsy.com/shop/DELiciousDesignz
http://www.zibbet.com/DELiciousDesignz, blogspot at http://deliciousdesignz.blogspot.com and facebook fan pages at http://www.facebook.com/DELiciousDesignz http://www.facebook.com/pages/Get-SPOONed

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